




開店前からお待ちいただいているお客様や、頼まれてお買い上げくださる中、少しでもたくさんの方にお買い求めいただきたく、「お一人様 ○個まで」といったその日の入荷数や在庫数に応じて購入制限を設けさせていただいております。











株式会社ナナコプラス スタッフ一同
Thank you for your continued patronage of Nanaco Plus.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the customers who visited the Kyoto main store and Solamachi store and those who used the online shop.
Recently, we have received feedback from customers such as, “When new products arrive, they run out of stock!”
Since each product is made by hand with all our heart, the number of products produced does not keep up with the demands of our customers.
We are receiving shipments every day, but the speed of purchases is faster than expected, especially at the online shop, which is always out of stock as soon as it arrives.
We want as many customers as possible to purchase from customers who have been waiting before the store opens, or who have been asked to purchase, so we set a purchase limit according to the number of arrivals and inventory on the day, such as “up to XX pieces per person”. We are setting up.
We hear comments such as “I can’t buy it all the time” or “I’m giving preferential treatment to regular customers and selling a lot…”, but that’s not the case.
n order to provide products to all customers with a fair and warm feeling, we have established rules. Thank you for your understanding.
●In order to avoid confusion, we do not disclose information on arrival dates, arrival items, and arrival numbers.
●We are currently not accepting back-order or hold-back orders. * Of course, we do not give preferential treatment to specific people.
●We have set a time limit for live distribution at the store while considering other customers.
●Purchase limits have been set for popular and new products so that more people can purchase them.
We will continue to make Japanese candy and confectionery products step by step.
Please feel free to come and visit us.
Nanaco Plus Co., Ltd.

  • 1,000円(税込)以上ご購入いただくと送料無料